
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
The Story of a Gifted Seer ... plus, my news!
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
Sunday Feb 09, 2025
I’m so happy you can join me around the virtual hearth today for an insight into the astonishing gifts of one of the 20th century’s greatest psychic mediums.
I'm reading from Sunrise: A Book of Knowledge and Comfort for the Bereaved by White Eagle, first published in 1958. It’s the introduction by psychic-medium Grace Cooke, who from the 1930s onward channelled the spiritual teacher known as White Eagle. Online, you can find a long list of the many books they published together. (My gratitude to the copyright holder White Eagle Lodge for their kind permission to read this excerpt).
Before I launch into today’s story, I want to share an exciting announcement with you.
I’ve launched a new offering on Substack. Inspired by Ram Dass’ quote that, “We’re all just walking each other home,” Words Along the Way is my love song to words that heal as we journey down the path together, a space to share reflections on my life as a pilgrim of the soul. For the first time, I’m opening up my journals to share private writings and poetry, in the hope that these words may meet and support you wherever you are, especially if you’re navigating the transformative crossing into midlife.
In newsletters delivered to your inbox, I’ll explore all of that, and share how I learnt to heal with my pen, my passion for celebrating Gentle Voices in a screeching world and I’ll delve into how astrology and tarot became friends to lean on when my crossing hit rough seas.
Paid subscribers will receive my gift of a bespoke poem handwritten for you about a loved one who’s crossed over (or a subject of your choice). There’ll also be online gatherings with a special guest around ‘the virtual hearth,’ to exchange sacred stories to hold our hearts in these turbulent times.
It would be my honour if you’d join me on Substack, the link is below in the show notes.
Excerpt from Sunrise, published by the White Eagle Lodge: https://whiteeaglelodge.org.au/
Join Karina on Substack: https://substack.com/@karinamachado1
Email Karina at karina.machado.author@gmail.com
Connect with Karina at karinamachado.com
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Monday Dec 23, 2024
Waiting in the Wings – A Christmas Story
Monday Dec 23, 2024
Monday Dec 23, 2024
I have the great pleasure of sharing a sweet and moving festive-season story with you today, a true story penned by my friend and past guest, Danielle, who calls it “a Christmas story with a twist”.
This is a story about heavenly intervention and synchronicity... Before I read it out, I’d like to wish you and your loved ones a joyful and restful Christmas and a peaceful new year. May peace dawn on earth, may every child be safe. May love prevail.
Thank you for listening to Spirit Sisters this year, and for your support and patience as I navigate life and attend to other expressions of my creativity. Spirit Sisters remains important to me. You’re all important to me – our stories matter more than ever – and so I’ll keep going in 2025. On that note, I already have a fabulous guest lined up to interview in the new year, and so from time to time, you can look forward to interviews resuming. With so many fascinating people with captivating stories out there, it had to be.
For now, grab a hot drink, sit back, and let me tell you a story about angels, about Christmas, about love and loss and enchantment and hope. Enjoy Danielle’s story, Waiting in the Wings.
Do you have a story to share? Email Karina at karina.machado.author@gmail.com
Connect with Karina at karinamachado.com
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Halloween episode! True spooky stories to give you goosebumps
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Happy Halloween, friends! Welcome to the first episode of the new storytelling format of the Spirit Sisters podcast that I recently announced.
In honour of Halloween, or Samhain, as it’s known in the Celtic tradition, we’re gathering around the virtual hearth today to listen to four true-life spooky-season stories listeners have sent in.
Do you have a story about the unexplained, or a spiritual experience that’s transformed your life that you’d like to share? If you’d like me to read it out on your show email me at karina.machado.author@gmail.com.
Settle in, grab a mug of something warm and let me tell you a story…
Happy Halloween, friends, Samhain blessings to you all.
Email Karina at karina.machado.author@gmail.com
Connect with Karina at karinamachado.com
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Monday Oct 14, 2024
Stories that heal: An answered prayer, an announcement and an invitation
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Karina Machado shares news about a fresh direction for the Spirit Sisters podcast, and extends an invitation to you.
All of us are going through personal challenges and experiencing the reverberating grief of the horror and violence being inflicted on innocent people in world conflicts. Let’s carve out a little corner of the internet where we can all take shelter around the glow of the story hearth …
Also, Sydney listeners, I’m offering an in-person writing workshop in a glorious private garden in the Southern Highlands to raise money for Welby Garden Centre’s employment program for people with disability. You can bid for the workshop at a silent auction until October 18. Visit Welbyauction.com.
Click here to bid on a personal writing workshop writing with me.
Ways to share your stories with Karina:
Email karina.machado.author@gmail.com
Visit my website karinamachado.com
Connect on Facebook.
Connect on Instagram.
Click here to listen on Apple podcasts to the Ghost Files episode referenced in this episode.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Hi friends, it’s lovely to be back with you after such a long time, thanks for joining us around the virtual hearth today to warm yourself with a story.
I’ve been working on my novel, integrating my 2023 Camino, and completing a second, shorter Camino in May this year. This time we started from the beautiful Spanish city of Leon. I’ll share more in an upcoming episode about the return to the Camino and how that journey continues to so deeply move me in an upcoming episode, but for now, I want to introduce a shining star of a return guest.
Michelle Clare is a psychic-medium and near-death experiencer who I welcomed onto the podcast in an episode that aired on the 15th of November, 2021 (I’ll link to it in the description).
This time, Michelle is back to primarily share about her journey of grief following the recent passing of her partner, Gary. This is a good time to let you know that today’s episode deals with suicide – if you find this challenging, please reach out for support. In Australia you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 but please do seek out services appropriate for where you are.
I know that many of you have gone through the shock and grief of the kind of loss Michelle describes, so it’s my sincere hope that her story supports you as you navigate your grief in your own way.
I love Michelle’s generosity of spirit in sharing her very personal experience of loss, which as she poignantly states, is not bypassed by her calling as a psychic-medium. However, there are aspects of her vocation and experience of multiple NDEs which do offer a perspective that invites in the light and may hopefully support you today if you are grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide.
On that note of offering healing and support, I send you my love and gratitude from a sunshiney Sydney winter’s day, as well as “un abrazo infinito” – a never-ending hug.
Enjoy my conversation with Michelle Clare.
Learn more about Michelle and contact her here: https://www.michelleclare.net/
Listen to our previous conversation on the Spirit Sisters podcast: https://spiritsistersthepodcast.podbean.com/e/would-youliketo-stay-or-would-you-like-togo%E2%80%93-thechoice-that-propelled-michelle-clare-back-tolifefromherthirdndeandintoan-acceptance-of-hermedi/
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
You’re listening to Spirit Sisters, I’m your host Karina Machado.
I’m thrilled to be back with you all. I promised that I’d be popping in with powerful conversations that I hand pick, and here’s one. Today, I’m introducing Ben Medhurst. Ben is a husband, dad and tradesman who lives in Queensland. He also happens to be a full-body channel for a discarnate collective who share profound wisdom through him.
As Ben shares in his first ever interview, he’s been primed for this his entire life. From his childhood growing up amidst the beauty of nature, Ben learnt to connect with a source beyond his physical dimension.
Always curious about life’s big questions, as a teen, Ben was catapulted into a spiritual world he struggled to comprehend after the death of his elder brother blew open his psychic faculties.
A few years later, a profoundly mystical dream paved the way for his apprenticeship with a famous Indian guru, and, eventually, the arrival of the collective who work through him today at this pivotal point in history which the collective calls “the dawning of a new age of truth.”
There’s so much to Ben’s story, I encourage you to listen in for all the extraordinary details and, towards the end, a direct channelling from the group who speaks through Ben.
I’m going to welcome Ben back onto the show later on in the year, we’d love you to send questions you’d like me to ask the beings who speak through him. If you’re on YouTube, you can drop a comment, or send your questions through my website or social media, all the links are in the show notes.
In the meanwhile, enjoy my conversation with Ben Medhurst, sharing his story publicly for the first time.
Connect with Ben Medhurst:
Ben’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulChannelingofficial
Ben’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SoulChannelingOfficial
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Find Karina on YouTube.
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Tune in for my conversation with Queensland-based artist Lynda Deans, whose profound spiritual experience at Uluru three years ago inspired her to begin creating unique and extraordinary art.
Lynda, who describes the experience at Uluru as “a birthing”, has always been in touch with the mystical dimension of life. In our conversation, Lynda shares about many spiritual encounters and moments of synchronicity she’s experienced, including seeing “a fully-fledged angel”, the mysterious meeting in a bookstore on the day of her husband’s sudden passing, her memories of a past life in Jesus’s time, and much more.
Referenced in our interview:
The Isle of Erraid in Scotland: https://www.erraid.com/
Author Robert Louis Stevenson and his connection to Erraid: https://www.erraid.com/history/
The Grandmothers’ “Water Song” which Lynda sings to the water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDGWuPUH5_A
Connect with Lynda and view her beautiful art on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recordecor/?hl=en
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Five sacred truths I learnt on the Camino de Santiago
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
As some of you may know, I had a life-changing experience in June and early July of this year. I walked the Camino de Santiago – the Way of St James – an ancient pilgrimage across Spain. On the full moon morning of July 4, I arrived at the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, the capital of the beautiful, mist-shrouded Galicia region, which, as you’re about to hear, stole my heart. With her rich heritage of Celtic legends, lore and music, Galicia reunited me with a part of myself I hadn’t known was missing.
And so, this episode is different to usual programming; what follows is my reflection on the pilgrimage, specifically, five sacred truths the Camino revealed to me. The path winds, and I follow, friends. I hope this serves. Enjoy.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Music in this episode:
Celtic Impulse - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100297
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Healing the Healer – After she died, Sara returned with a new soul contract
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
You’re listening to Spirit Sisters. I’m your host, Karina Machado. As always, I’m delighted that you’re joining me around the virtual fireside today. And we have quite the story for you to warm yourself by tonight.
I was on the train this morning, Spanish guitar playing softly in my earbuds, thinking about what to say in the introduction to this very special episode.
This week, I welcome my dear friend Sara back to the podcast. I first interviewed Sara in the early days of the show, in 2019. We recorded a double episode, which I published in September and October of that year, and I’ve included those links below.
Sara has a riveting story to tell. Hers is one of the most profound NDEs I’ve ever encountered, not just because of the beauty and richness of the experience itself, but also because of the profound repercussions it had on her life, the way it transformed every aspect of her being. Suffice to say that today, she considers herself Sara 2.0, as she shares in our conversation.
From a cardiac diagnostic imaging specialist who gave her all to her patients – a rewarding and very demanding career that she adored, though it ran her ragged – to the survivor of a rare auto-immune condition who, post NDE, is driven to heal hearts in a new way.
Today, Sara is devoted to sharing the message of her NDE – that love is the essence of who we are and that living true to our soul’s purpose is how we ultimately heal. She talks about the Soul Seed planted within each of us and of finding the courage to let it flourish. She also shares her life review in great detail and you’ll hear why this was a highlight of her NDE, and how it’s still rippling out powerfully in her life today. Keep listening to hear about the Healing Chamber, seeing her beloved father and mentor and other loved ones forming part of a jubilant gathering Sara calls the Welcoming Party, and all about the extraordinary downloads she received about the time and space continuum.
This is the story of a woman who’s had to find a fresh way to honour her training in medicine as she navigates a new path that’s aligned, at last, to her soul purpose.
Speaking of taking new paths, tomorrow Sara and I are flying to Spain to walk El Camino de Santiago, the Way of St James. As we head out together with open hearts and faith that the Camino delivers, I will also be cherishing the opportunity to walk towards and through Galicia, mystical land of my great-grandparents. I’m finally walking towards my story, and I have the deep honour of doing that with a soul friend by my side.
At the end of the show, we have some exciting news to share about a collaboration that we trust will water the little Soul Seeds within us. You’ll find links below to our new venture, as well as links to Sara’s charity The Autoimmune Project.
We hope you’ll come and walk with us. Until then, Buen Camino.
Follow Soul2Soul Conversations on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soul2soulconversations/
The Autoimmune Project on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/autoimmuneproject/
The Autoimmune Project website:
Our earlier conversations on Spirit Sisters in 2019:
Part One: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-t8kdb-bf8c2b
Part Two: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-xdxkr-c236a0
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Karina Machado welcomes psychic-medium Debbie Malone to the podcast. Debbie and I have known each other for many years – I first told her story in my 2009 book Spirit Sisters, and she made another appearance in the follow-up, Where Spirits Dwell.
As an internationally acclaimed psychic medium, author, psychic detective and spiritual teacher, Debbie has spent the last 30 years assisting police departments around the globe with high-profile missing persons and murder investigations.
A student of the prestigious Arthur Findlay College, Debbie often features in the media and is in high demand for speaking engagements and other appearances.
In our interview today, Debbie shares the near-death experience that ignited her psychic gifts and casts back to when her dreams were taken over by two victims of the notorious Backpacker Murders, and how this confronting situation catapulted her into her work as a psychic detective. For listeners who may not be familiar the Backpacker Murders, this refers to Australian serial killer Ivan Milat, who murdered seven young backpackers in NSW between 1989 and 1992. Debbie is certain there are more victims, as she tells us on the show.
Aside from her fascinating work as a Psychic-detective, we delve into Debbie’s recent foray into channelling, her book Awaken Your Psychic Ability, her thoughts on the current shift in consciousness, and a lot more.
Enjoy my conversation with my lovely friend, Debbie Malone.
Connect with Debbie Malone, learn about her books and view her spirit photography at her website: https://www.debbiemalone.com/
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.